spike report
from the team at
a community-led spiking database to keep you and your mates safe

about spike report

Introducing Spike Report, a spiking database to protect you and your mates on a night out. After recent incidents, we realised there was no viewable database on spikings in the UK. You can report an incident to the police, but you can’t view what others have reported.

With Spike Report, you can report a spiking incident but also view what others have submitted. Search by venue, city, or method of spiking. We’re all about giving you the info you need to have the safest night possible - including the date of the spiking so you know when it happened, where and how.

Report a case
Your details
We won't publish these and they will remain confidential, we just need them to verify you're real and to help our data collection.
are you a student?
if yes, please state school or univerity:
do you want the team to contact your school or universiy?
Incident details
We're asking for these so we can contact venues about recent incidents as well as letting our community know where, when and how spiking is happening.
incident response details
let us know your thoughts on how the spiking incident was handled. these details won't be published on the site but We may use this information to contact relevant authorities or the venue. this is not an official report and we advise you report it to the police if you feel comfortable doing so, so that your incident can be investigated and records collected on spiking.
did you inform the venue of the spiking incident?
How well did the venue assist you on the night? (1 = very poor, 2 = poor, 3 = neither good or bad, 4 = poor and 5 = very good)
Did the venue investigate the incident?
did the venue assist you with providing CCTV footage?
Did you go to the hospital to receive medical assistance?
Did you report the incident to the police?
if you didn't report the incident to the police, please tell us why. (if you did, leave blank)
How would you rate the police investigation into the incident? (1 = very poor, 2 = poor, 3 = neither good or bad, 4 = poor and 5 = very good)
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Spike Report
Maybe Injection
PJ Molloys
response rating
Between 10-11.30had two drinks. The first one was ordered by my boyfriend. The second round was bought by my sister although a waiter brought the second round of drinks over. Whilst we drank the first round a young man around early 20s sat with us. He was quite chatty. I finished our second drinks then went to dance with my partner. As I got up to dance, I felt a sudden wave through my body like someone has knocked me out cold, I collapsed and started acting irrationally yelling screaming rolling around in the floor. No memory from collapsing then woke up in hospital at 6am
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Spike Report
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I wasn't really on a night out, I was having a catch-up with my friend who I hadn't seen in a while so we were having around one drink per venue and chatting loads. We got to la'go and had an amazing time dancing loads and I had a drink while I was dancing at the bar. I turned away and when I turned back, there was an identical drink placed next to mine, but I wasn't sure which one was mine- there was no one else near the part of the bar I was at (it was quite quiet but loud music). I took the one that I thought was mine and then the next thing I knew I was in the back of an ambulance and the paramedics were telling me I was just drunk and that they had taken me home. My friend said that I lost all control of my limbs and couldn't stop throwing up (I've thrown up from drinking 3 times in my life) and I collapsed and hit my head on a step resulting in a broken brow bone, a black eye and a split lip. I only went to A&E the next day because I felt concussed but felt guilty as the paramedics just said I was drunk. I don't know if on the night La'Go knew I was spiked but they were super helpful with getting my phone back the next day. probably the worst part of it was that i had to go to a family gathering with a black eye, and my aunt who is a fairly high-up policewoman in Preston said to all my family that I was faking it and was making excuses for drinking too much as she said that spiking is never actually reported....
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Spike Report
could have been drink spiking or injection, i wouldn't know.
Salt Beer Factory
response rating
Remember getting tipsy after having a cocktail and some wine, then suddenly becoming extremely drunk within a space of 10 minutes and dizzy, confused, blacking out and waking up on a street somewhere 4 hours later.
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Spike Report
Reading Festival 2023
response rating
Became very unwell after a couple of drinks. Violently sick, couldn’t walk. My friends looked after me. Had been watching Lil Tjay, there was a mosh pit, people were being pulled out, it was awful. It might have happened then, but I don’t know. I don’t remember much. My friends called my parents. My mum said I was saying I’d been stuck with a needle & that I know what drunk is & this isn’t it, somethings wrong. My mum spoke to a welfare officer from the festival & he helped her to get to me, she said it was really difficult to get to me. Luckily my friends bRought me out. And my mum took me to A&E. they said it was a spike, could see the mark. They did blood test & now I have to have a course of Hep B vaccine. There were 3 other girls that had the same thing as me at A&E that had been at the festival. My dad reported to the police, there’s nothing they can do????
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Spike Report
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I went out with my friends for my work leaving party. We had a few drinks before the club but I was still in control and aware. I remember going to the club but after this I have no memory of the night. According to my friends, I was extremely drunk and out of control, which they’ve never seen before. There was no way this correlated to the amount I had drunk. Thankfully I had safe people around me who put me in a taxi but I woke up the next day with no recollection of going home. I felt in a complete trance for the rest of that next day, which I’ve never had before. As soon as I woke up I thought I was spiked and I was so confused as to how I had ended up in that state but decided I couldn’t have been spiked as I was watching my drink the whole time. Needle spiking never occurred to me as a possibility. For days afterwards I was sick and hungover, and had no appetite. I have never been that hungover before and have never not remembered a night out, even when I’d been drinking more than I had been that night. A week later, a friend noticed a strange circular bruise on the back of my arm with a puncture mark in the middle. She told me it looked like the mark she had when she was needle spiked and instantly it made sense. I researched needle spiking and talked to my GP who confirmed that I was needle spiked. Unfortunately it was too late to see which drug had been used as it was a week after the incident and the drugs were out of my system.
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Staff have training from CPL Spike Awareness. Posters are put around the venue regarding dangerous behaviours. We have high quality CCTV which covers a large range of the venue, we also implement bag searches and ID checks and scans before anyone enters our venue. We have a policy whereby we stop lone females from leaving the venue on their own without us first checking if they're okay.
Spike Report
Pryzm Bristol
response rating
I was a bit drunk not fully I was in a booth with some people drinking some drinks from a bottle and all of a sudden I can’t remember anything and wake up in my friends bedroom and I couldn’t stand I was passed out had to be carried couldn’t open my eyes and was sick a few times
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Be at One Clapham Battersea Rise
response rating
No recollection of the night after a certain point and drink. Uncontrollably vomiting, losing consciousness and disorientated. Confused, dizzy, involuntarily falling asleep the following day. Complete blackout from 2am to waking up at 12pm the next day.
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Zodiac Bar London
response rating
At around midnight I got spiked I believe and I completely lost my memory. I didn't realise I was spiked until the day after. I have a huge graze on my knee and a scratch on my boob and I don't know how it happened. I also sent loads of videos to my friends and I don't remember doing it. I don't remember getting in the Uber home. I was very sick in the Uber and felt odd up until Thursday 6/7.
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Spike Report
response rating
I went to the bar to collect another drink. I’d only had 3 drinks and was only slightly tipsy, my friends had seen me drunk after several more drinks and I had never been bad. I started to not know where I was and had all the symptoms of rohypnol spiking; nausea, disorientation, couldn't walk straight, etc. There was absolutely no support from the bouncers.
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Spike Report
Revolution de cuba
response rating
Last memory I have is at the bar and then 4 hours later my friends pick me up hiding behind bins petrified. During a few calls according to my friend I was in a car with a foreign man and wanting to go home. I have checked my phone tracker and I have been to various locations that I have no memory of in different parts of manchester
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Spike Report
Proud Mary
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drink was spiked whilst on a night out with work friends; luckily friends noticed relatively quickly and got me back to the hotel we were staying at. i completely blacked out for hours, could not walk or raise my head and continuously vomiting (this has never happened to me, even when i have had significantly more to drink than i did this night). friends called an ambulance at 1am as i was vomiting in my sleep but it did not arrive until 5am, by which time i’d slept off the worst of it and come around. spent the next day continuously vomiting, with dizziness/nausea. contacted the venue and police, told both the time frame and exactly where i was in the bar for them to check CCTV. no response from the venue and police have advised there is not much they can do as the ambulance did not run blood tests when they attended my hotel room on the night of the spiking.
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Thank you for your email, which I was very sorry to read, but grateful to you for bringing the matter to my attention. I have been looking into this matter and cannot trace any emails of any such incident around the date provided. So I would really appreciate it if you would get permission from the guest to provide their contact information and/or give my name and email address for the guest to get in touch please.
Spike Report
O2 Ritz Manchester
response rating
At a Taylor Swift themed night and my drink got spiked I was sick and the club medic had to look after me and use my emergency contacts to call my mum. The medics I think thought I was just very drunk but the next day I did not feel right and it was not just a hangover.
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Spike Report
response rating
Early hours of Saturday morning in Wakefield I was on a night out with my mate. We went from reflex to after dark and then to truth. Whilst being in Truth I went from being okay to suddenly crippled in pain with my chest. The pain I experienced in my chest was actually terrifying and I was struggling to breathe. After this I woke up with 2 needle like marks in my hip and the following day I had confusion, clumsiness and nausea. Was not myself at all and I still don’t feel right. I’ve seen I wasn’t the only one possibly spiked Saturday morning and I just want to say to anyone who is out this weekend please be careful. Because I didn’t even feel it and I was being followed by a man most of the night who I had to report!!
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Spike Report
Manchester Academy
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I went to go see my favourite artist alone as none of my friends listened to him and was spiked by injection in my back, luckily a group of girls who were there noticed I was acting unusual and took me in a taxi to my hotel to make sure I got there safe
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Spike Report
Alpine Club Lodge Ormskirk
Ormskirk, Lancashire
response rating
It was our last night of our last term in our first year at Uni. Some of my flat mates had already gone home, so it was just myself and my two friends. I remember, it being all COVID restrictions, so we couldn’t get up and order at the bar, they came to us and we also couldn’t get up to dance, so we were sat on a bench. I was sat on the end of the bench, where someone could have walked past me going to their table, or it could have been the bartender as I obviously couldn’t watch my drink being made, therefore it is still unsure on who spiked me and how I got spiked. I remember we were all drinking cocktail pitchers, and I have videos and photos up until 8-9pm and then it all went blank. I had to recall details from my friend, at the first point when she noticed something was wrong, she said I needed to go to the loo but apparently when I attempted to get up, I couldn’t move and I mentioned this to her. She was confused so she helped me up. I was vomiting repeatedly, she had to get a bouncer to come and help me down. He or she carried me out. Then I myself remember sitting on the pavement, repeatedly saying sorry & how I am not drunk but I have been spiked. My friend was also speaking up for me mentioning this wasn’t me being drunk, I had been spiked. I remember it being a lady bouncer just staring at me. Then it goes blank again, and then a memory of being in the ambulance by myself (because of Covid, I wasn’t allowed anyone with me), I remember blacking in and out, texting my boyfriend who could make no sense of my messages, I could hear the two paramedics (one female, and one male) both talking to each other about how it could just be over intoxicated with drink, this is when I mentioned to him that I had been spiked, they didn’t really offer me much support. Then I was placed in a wheelchair, they took my blood pressure, then I got put in the emergency waiting room. I never got seen to. I met these lovely ladies in the waiting room, they helped me, got me water & phoned my mum for me as I wasn’t making any sense. My parents had to drive all the way from my hometown to the hospital which I got taken to Southport. My Mum eventually got here, she mentioned how she didn’t even recognise me & she kept asking the receptionist when I was going to be seen, she said they had an emergency come in & she wouldn’t know. After 3 hours or more of waiting, my mum just took me home, my dad also didn’t recognise me when I tried to get into the car. I went home, straight to bed & felt awful for days on end after. I now don’t drink at all, barely go out unless there’s an event on, I feel awful if I do drink, I never used to get sick or feel awful, before the spiking. I have long term effects physically and mentally. I also did report it to the police and my uni tutor because I wanted other girls at my uni to be aware of the club and to be careful. There were some reports about the club, that came out afterwards, one of them mentioned how the bartenders are known for spiking drinks & they have room in the club, where they assault, I showed this to my uni tutor. The police were the Lancashire police, I spoke to a female (which comforted me slightly until I realised I wasn’t getting any support from her anyway). At first, I didn’t want to mention it to the police but my mum did for me & then they wanted to speak to me. The police lady assumed I was drunk, and mentioned that when she went out with her friends she had one too many & it too felt “different”. I was very upset and angry with the little to no support I got from the police. I mentioned the reports from other people and my own story to her, to which they said they’ve never had an issue with this club. I couldn’t believe that as when we first started uni, the tutors actually told us to be very careful with Alpine, because it has been known. So I feel let down by the police, the hospital and the club.
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Spike Report
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At 8:40pm I started zoning out and was only out for 2 hours and I only had 4 drinks. I have videos on my phone of what was going on but I don’t recall taking them. One minute I was ok, dancing and having fun and the next I felt like I was going to throw up. I had to race to the bathroom to be sick. As I was walking to the bathroom, my walking wasn’t as good as I thought as the security guard was helping me walk straight. From going to the bathroom I could no longer walk or talk and would not stop throwing up. After that a woman security guard told me to ask someone to pick me up and she helped me text them. I text my mum at 20:50 and she got to me by 20:55. When she turned up she told me that I couldn’t stand or talk. I was being sick. She got me into the car with the help of the security guard. When we arrived home my mums partner had to lift and carry me out the car into the house. I was then led on the sofa where I had passed out. In the meantime my mum was calling 111 for advice. They advised her that I should be taken to the hospital if necessary and report the incident to the police. When I managed to get into bed I slept in the same bed as mum so she could keep an eye on me during the night. The next morning I woke up missing parts of the night, a bad headache, feeling sick, dizzy and very exhausted.
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This incident was recorded by us as required by the SIA. As a venue we hold a 5* Licensing SAVI accreditation, comply firmly with the Ask for Angela Campaign and meet every requirement for us to sit under our PCC’s Safer Nights Charter so to have an incident take place despite this is always disheartening but is ultimately not a reflection of the safety of the venue. The event in question is very busy and as a venue we do everything within our power to ensure that every measure is taken to avoid spiking and are pleased to say we have to date only had 1 confirmed case of spiking within the venue after which the police had our full cooperation and a full re-training session was held with the staff to limit the risk of this happening again. As I mentioned in my initial email to you, posters advertising the Stop Topps are on display at every bar and there is an option on the online ordering to add a Stop Topp free of charge to your order.
Spike Report
response rating
I was spiked in kioki this Saturday, we had only been in one place before there and only stayed in kioki for 2 drinks before leaving as it was so full but can’t remember anything from half way through my second drink. I can’t even recall leaving the club but as soon as we walked out the door I was told I collapsed on the floor. I was in and out of consciousness not being able to feel my legs or see a thing, I didn’t know what was happening around me until I woke up with drips in the hospital. The only thing I vaguely remember was being led on the floor with a male and a female trying to talk to me and comforting me and was told they did this until an ambulance came.
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I find this this a disgusting way to tarnish local business by publicly posting information and statistics with zero evidence. What is in place to stop 1000 different people putting in bogus reports of occurrences of spikings that never happened? Are reports being cross checked with hospitals and local authorities and police forces?
Spike Report
response rating
Had 4/5 drinks in there coming to the end of my last drink I cannot remember what happened I do not remember leaving the club and do not remember getting home. Luckily my brother was already on way so managed to get me home safely
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I find this this a disgusting way to tarnish local business by publicly posting information and statistics with zero evidence. What is in place to stop 1000 different people putting in bogus reports of occurrences of spikings that never happened? Are reports being cross checked with hospitals and local authorities and police forces?
Spike Report
Be at one Birmingham
response rating
Out for a Birthday. Ordered a drink from bar 20 minutes later black out. 30 minutes later vomiting and unconscious. Ended up fitting in A&E on a drip for 6 hours. Remember nothing for 6 hours. Took 2 weeks to fully recover.
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J.J. Moons - JD Wetherspoon
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I was sitting in a booth and only had two drinks, both of these drinks were ordered to the table. Somehow from the bar to the table I had been spiked. The security guard was absolutely appalling she was swearing at me and was treating me like i was a drunk.
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Revolutions bar
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I don’t remember it happening or seeing it. Just that I was ok then I wasn’t - resulted in an ambulance being called as I was unresponsive and vomiting.
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Spike Report
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I went out with a group of friends and can't remember anything past queuing at the bar for a drink as soon as I got in. I assume I got spiked through a drink as I had no needle marks but I don't know who would have done it as I didn't put the drink down and none of my friends would have done it. I woke up the next day remembering nothing but my boyfriend told me about how he had to carry me home cause I was losing consciousness and how I could barely get words out. The next day I couldn't even stomach water and was vomiting for a whole 24 hours. I know it's not just cause I was drunk cause I hadn't had much to drink and I completely blacked out, I was also more ill than I've ever been before.
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As a venue that works predominantly with a student clientele, we are well aware of the current risks surrounding nightlife. I can assure you that the health and safety of our guests is our number one priority, at all times. At Flares, we work very closely with the University of York's NightSafe and SU welfare team, as well as the Street Angels of York and North Yorkshire Police, to make every effort to provide a safe space and experience for all. We provide anti-spiking covers and bottle topper's, free of charge and, at our entrance, we commit to regular searches of guests. On the occasion that any guests have needles (epi-pen/insulin etc.), we take contact details, in case any incidents occur. Our management, bar and door teams are also proficient in WAVE (Wellness and Vulnerability Engagement) training, and the Ask Angela campaign to help provide further assistance where necessary.
Spike Report
Club 49
Soho London
response rating
Me and my friend were both spiked and might possibly have been from a “special” drink the bartender made my friend to sober up. We joined 2 American girls on the club cause they were looking at us. We only had 3 tequila shots and one vodka cranberry drink which for us doesn’t seem a lot. We both felt very weird and my friend seemed like she was “out of it” and couldn’t remember anything which is very unusual for her. She eventually got kicked out of the club and I had to follow her out and had to beg the security to get our coats from the cloakroom. When we were out she started vomiting on the streets and was unable to stand up for at least an hour and even though I was not doing well, I had to pull myself together and help her. We eventually went to one of my friend’s house and that’s when she pointed out that me and my friend were possibly spiked.
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Spike Report
Factory 251 Manchester
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Was completely fine, stopped drinking 4 hours ago. Someone buys me a drink, then violently, violently ill
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Spike Report
Black rabbit
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Gurning unable to move, suspected mdma
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the following venues have received anti-spiking training as part of our Safe Place Project™


we ask for your full name and email address prior to submitting a Spike Report in order for us to verify and moderate the information on this database and potentially contact you in the future for further information about your experience.

in order to comply with legal obligations and uphold the principles of fairness and accuracy we offer the right to reply to all venues subject to a Spike Report. respondents will be given enough information and detail about the allegations if we are contacted and we look to work with venues to improve safety on nights out.

the way we hold and store your data is fully compliant with the new GDPR rules as of 2018. we store this information on an internal database which is protected and not accessible to anyone outside of those running The Egalitarian and Spike Report. we only store this information for as long as necessary.

if you wish to be removed from our private database, including mailing lists and the Spike Report database, or have any other questions, please send an email to contact@theegalitarian.co.uk and we will deal with the request. we do not sell your data and we do not share your data unless compelled by law.